The question in the last part, what is a common thing for these five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch)? Did you find the answer?
The answer is that they are “open”…..
I guess that some people didn’t think in this way. However the answer is this.
As for “seeing”, how are your eyes when you see something? Aren’t they open? If they are close you can’t see anything, can you? When you “hear” something, your “ears” are open, aren’t they? If you shut your ears, you can’t hear anything. “Tasting” is the same. When you eat something you “open” your mouth.
What about “smelling”? Your nose is “open”, isn’t it? Don’t you pinch your nose? As for the last one, “touching”, when you touch something, isn’t your hand open?
As I said, the answer was simple if you looked at your body close enough. Well let’s see how they are at the present time…….. As you can recognize when we look around, present people often can’t see well because they are walking while writing messages on their cell-phones or playing games on them. Their ears often are closed with earphones and their nose and mouth is covered by the masks. If people wear gloves as it’s still cold, they never touch things directly. They even look like they are wearing protection suits. It’s something odd. How can they feel the world in this condition?
I think that those people who are walking while watching a small screen on the cell-phone can hardly see the scenery around them. Some people are even doing it while riding a bike or driving a car. It’s often heard among the people who had accidents that “they were looking at somewhere else (such a screen on the cell-phone), and when they found someone else was in front of them it was too late” …I’ve heard of a story that a high school boy had been crushed under a crane machine because he couldn’t hear even if someone else was warning him because he had his earphones plugged in to his ears and he was listening to the music.
Also, as for pollen allergy as this is one of the modern diseases where people suffer from a blocked nose and sore throat. They can’t smell or taste well at all, can they? People tend to wear excessive clothes to protect form the coldness and cover all their bodies. So how can they know about the world?....
Covering your five senses makes your sense which detects any danger to be obtuse. So you become dull to feeling things. If people don’t have keen senses, they wouldn’t be able to find anything new. I think that we tend to hide everything so they can’t be seen by covering them especially in this modern society.
The story about the five senses will continue…….
I’ll explain about what you can see and feel through the five senses next.