About Spirit of Life Project

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As for the beginning, it was over 20 years ago.
As my physical condition wasn't so good in those days,
I was reading various books and also participated in some of the lectures
for various health management methods.
I was in such a situation, when I met a person ・・・・
who was a mathematics teacher at a high school and he was just about to retire from his work.
I learned so much from all his stories that he told me.
He knew so many things and there are some people who actually came to him to ask about his teachings.
He was like a hermit as he wasn’t obsessed with anything and any matters
and he was always a very straightforward person.
Among his words that he said to me in our relationship over the 10 years, what attracted me the most was that
“all the people have their ‘light’ inside”.
However, if it’s true I wonder why the world today is like this?
To find the answer to this question, I started Hikari-no-kuni (Spirit of Life) Project.
The “light” which exists inside everyone. And the “light” which has been forgotten.
If the light begins to shine again, this world will be the “Hikari-no kuni”.
I’m going to introduce the stories which I heard from the teacher one by one with my wish
that the Hikari-no –kuni (Spirit of Life) comes true.

I’d like to say at last that this has nothing to do with any particular religion or cult.
