Hikari-no-kuni(Spirit of Life)Project / Part 54 “Cherry blossom”

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Part 54 “Cherry blossom”




It was unusual these days to see that cherry blossoms were fully blooming at the right time for the season of the entrance ceremonies this year. I’m not sure if it has been because of global warming or not, but they have usually finished by the time of the entrance ceremonies. However, as long as I can remember we had cherry blossoms around the time of entrance ceremonies in days of the Showa Period. So, this year reminded me of the old days. Maybe, it was because this winter was quite cold.
However, every time the season of entrance ceremonies comes, I feel the year passes so fast. Well, it maybe because I’m not so young anymore though.

Anyway, because of the mood of self-control among Japanese people, we didn’t see that people were having big parties with cherry blossom viewing last year. However this year, there were many people at any spot for cherry blossom viewing. We all love cherry blossoms, don’t we? But as you know, they only get attention during the season when they are blooming in the beginning of spring, and when the flowering season finishes people stop pay attention to them. It is like fireworks in the sky in summer.

Except the blooming season (=the time of giving radiance), they don’t get attention paid at all….It sounds a little sad, doesn’t it? But it can’t be helped because the way of looking at this is actually the most important in this world, you know. But don’t you realize that the time when they don’t have flowerers is more important for them…? The cherry blossoms don’t get people’s attention without blooming, but I think, they have been very patient (?) till the time for blooming comes one day.


I think this can be applied to the case for companies and people. When it’s in season, it gets a lot of attention. But when it’s finished, it just gets forgotten.
For example, suppose that someone became famous after an unexpected turn of events. The person will get a lot of attention from many people include ones who had no interest in him before, his distant relatives and so on. He found himself to have more friends. But when he comes down in the world (passes the boom), those people will leave him one after another. You know, everything is about the way of looking in this world, yes how he looks…People don’t care about what’s inside…do they?


However, after all, important things ae the ordinary days of our life (=its time=inside) which we don’t usually pay special attention to, aren’t they? As for those cherry blossoms which we believe will always bloom beautifully next year, the truth is there is actually no guarantee that we will be able to see those beautiful flowers again. Only when all the conditions which are required are ready, can they have flowers. Only because we always see those blooming flowers every year, we think it’s normal. But it’s actually not. Our heart may have been too dull. So, I think that cherry blossoms stimulate our heart (brain) with their blooming and are to tell us the importance of our ordinary life (=what’s inside).

Cherry blossoms are always cherry blossoms even if it doesn’t have flowers. I wonder if such a cherry blossom will always have its energy saved up inside to keep giving us stimulus, even if people don’t notice at the time when it’s not blooming…..


