Hikari-no-kuni(Spirit of Life)Project / Part 52 “Folk tale, part 1”

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Part 52 “Folk tale, part 1”



Once upon a time, there was a teacher who knew everything about this world. So, there was no end to the number of people who came all the way to listen to his lectures. He always had his lecture at the same time every morning. Some people were familiar faces, others were new each morning.


Well, aren’t you interested in what kind of story he was telling every morning…? You know, he was a teacher who knew everything in the world. Many of them were expecting to hear such great stories. However, they always got disappointed because his stories weren’t anything special on any day. It was always about something ordinary.

Those people who were expecting to hear some of the stories like the truth about the world or a scheme of things and so on were especially disappointed. That’s understandable because he was supposed to know everything about this world.
Also, people who met him for the first time were always surprised about the way he dressed. They were expecting to see someone who was dressed up nicely, but he was actually an ordinary old man who wears normal clothes.

Well, those people who met him for the first time must’ve thought that they were tricked because he was nothing like what they imagined.



Well, even if leaving how he looked aside, people still expected to hear some great stories. But what he talked about was nothing special. So, all the people who listened to his lecture for the first time thought “Why? Is he really a great teacher?”.
One day, a person actually asked the teacher “Can you tell us about something more special?”….Then he answered “It’s all about things that happen in normal life. There is not something special”…That’s true. We always want something special and can’t value our very normal life. Do you know why?


