Hikari-no-kuni(Spirit of Life)Project / Part 14 “Goddess of Kannon”

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Part 14  “Goddess of Kannon”



The last one was about God and Buddha…so this time must be about Kannon-sama (Goddess of Kannon). I guess that people who have actually seen it are rare, too. However, some people must’ve seen the statue of it. But it is only an image of Kannon-sama, isn’t it? So what is the actual Kannon-sama…then?


As it is self-explaining, it’s about observing (観る) and hearing (音). I think it represents someone like a doctor who diagnoses patients by observing and hearing. They usually have a superior observation skill. In the times when the medical technology wasn’t as advanced as in modern times, a doctor’s diagnosis was more important than anything.



In recent times, some doctors rely too much on testing equipment and judge only by looking at the figures of those tests. However if he is a sincere doctor, he should perform a physical examination by looking at a patience’s face to know if he or she is healthy or not, checking the condition of their skin and hearing the sound of their body with a stethoscope. So they can clearly diagnose after observing and hearing well enough. However, nowadays less doctors may be doing it though..

Well, “sound” is a “wave”. As the word says, it can be shown as a wave. Apart from the sound wave, light and electricity are also waves. There are various waves around us and they are important to us. Those products of modern civilization, such as TV and cell phones and so on, use this type of wave. The waves….we receive much benefit from them. At the same time, because they are invisible, we don’t usually pay attention to them. Also the tsunami which caused extensive damage is a wave, too.


When you draw a picture of wave, most of you draw it as seen above, don’t you? Imagine that this wave (sound) is a wave of sickness (noise). So what can you do to remove it?

We can apply an antiphase wave as seen below. Actually it’s been practically used in earphones. This antiphase wave stands for “observation (awareness)”.


When removing the noise by “observing”, you can have the normal condition back because you can get rid of the bad wavelength. Before your trouble gets too serious, you can get a sign from the small noise. If you are able to be aware of this, you can do something to stop it. That must be the one called kannon power (kannon-sama).


A famous genius physicist, Torahiko Terada, used to say that “Disaster strikes when you least expect it”…
I think that being aware of something on a routine basis may help prevent people from having damages from a disaster.


