Cancer. It’s been a top cause of the death among Japanese people, and it’s been increasing despite the advances in medical technology. Although everyone knows about cancer, but what kind of illness is it? In Wikipedia, there are the explanations about cancer as bellow.
・Because the cancer cell grows by taking in unlimited nutrition, the body rapidly becomes prostrate.
・They replace the normal cell of organs with the cancer cell or give pressures to them, so the organs become dysfunctional.
・By developing systemic metastasis, many of the organs become dysfunctional, and this leads to the cause of death in the end.
It grows in your body unlimitedly and can cause death in the end. The same as last time, I’d like to look at the Chinese characters for “癌 (cancer)”. As shown in the figure 1, it’s composed of “疒 (symbol of sickness)” and “品 (goods)” and “山 (mountain)”. As also we can see from the word (Chinese character), I think that the growth of the cancer cell can stand for how the capitalism in the modern society is. People’s minds (desire) and that desire becomes more and more and it can be said that it may be producing the cancer cell.
We have a homeostatic mechanism in our body, which keeps blood pressure, body temperature and heart rate constant. When we get too much stress and become sick, it works to protect our body by sweating and so on. This is a function that tries to get the normal health condition back.
If you continue drink and eat as much as you want, there is a risk to get lifestyle-related diseases. Of course I know that there is a difference between individuals, however if you keep neglecting your health you will get sick sooner or later. When you become aware of this, it could already be too late. But before such a situation occurs, isn’t there a sign from your body? For example, getting boils on your body or having high body temperature and so on. It could be a sign that tells you that you needed to rest for a while……If you could’ve done something at earlier stage……
Don’t you just neglect going to a doctor and try to keep going somehow? I wonder if you disregard the signs by believing that you are ok or it must be your imagination.
One day, it (sickness or disaster and so on) comes to you all of sudden.
It’s the same thing for the earth. When I look at this planet, I can see that we are causing ecological damage to want the earth has established over a long period of time….because human beings try to develop more and more. The human being’s desire has been giving stress to the earth and damaging the ecological system, which has been established over thousands of years. But we can destroy it in a moment in the name of development. Don’t human beings look like a cancer cell on the earth? It continues to grow unlimitedly and what will happen next? Will it be the “death” of the earth in the end?
If you think that the earth is now getting sick because of human being’s desire and it’s showing us any sort of sign……as if it’s trying to get back to the healthy condition….I wonder if the fever in the case of earth could be the irruption? Sweating of the earth could be the typhoon? What about the earthquakes…..? These days, many things on the surface of the earth have been happening. It could be worse inside of it. We surely need to take any sort of action which we can before it is too late……
It’s possibly already too late….
But I still want to search for any possibility as much as I can.